December 20, 2009


Today, I’m transitioning into life with two toddlers. But the day will come when, tomorrow, I’ll be sending them off to college, squeezing a soaked, wrinkled handkerchief that I swore I’d never need. On that day, I want to look back and know that I did my very best to savor all those precious fleeting moments and know with confidence that I was resilient.  I want to know I lovingly taught my children values, character, integrity, respect, and love—every day--even the days when I questioned if my efforts were having any influence at all. I don't want to look back, wondering where the time went, and regretfully wish I would have given more hugs, indulged more of my daughter's invitations to join her tea parties, or play in her "princess castle," or squeeze my little son's chubby thighs, let him fall asleep in my arms and watch him breathe. To do so takes persistence, patience, perspective, and prioritizing.

Maybe, like me, you’re a new mom searching to find meaning and much needed humor in the everyday mundane, sometimes underappreciated, often unpredictable, and definitely outrageous whirlwind of events that can occur on an hourly basis. Join me on this proactive, parental journey of intentionally taking the time to pause, reflect, share, breathe, laugh, cry, and do it all over again tomorrow. Let’s move forward in motherhood, keeping that day, tomorrow, in mind from the very beginning. Tomorrow is my mommyspiration. What’s yours?

Posted by Laura

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