April 1, 2010

The Crazy Toys We Buy: The Big Barbie Head!

Have you ever considered how insanely ridiculous some of the toys are that we actually buy our children? Last week I saw a toy I just had to buy for my 2YO. When I got it home, unveiled it, and placed it on the table, before me was a . . .

. . . gargantuan decapitated Barbie head! No, she does not have a body. Just a big head and a neck that looks sawed off at the shoulders. I thought to myself, I can’t believe I just bought my child a head! What type of mother am I? Why not get her a doll that also has a body! Nevertheless, my little girl absolutely loves to play with this life-sized head of hair: twisting, knotting, brushing, pulling, and braiding the nylon blonde wig. Now, I confess I love it because toddler-girl can express her creativity on doll head rather than Mommy’s hair or, worse, on baby brother’s hair.  The problem is that Barbie Head has claimed her space on the glass coffee table and greets me every morning with her glazed beady stare that seems to say, “Why did you let your child do this to me?” I sip my coffee, salute her, and think to myself, “Better you than me.” 

Have you had any toys you’ve gotten your child and realized similar thoughts? 

Oh, and some exciting news: remember last week as a stomach virus stormed through my home I confessed having to do a very bad thing to little girl's most cherished blankee? Well, I entered a free blanket giveaway and I actually WON! Thank you Heather for hosting this giveaway. I always love visiting Heather's blog because she is a mom to a toddler AND twins! Now that's inspiration to me especially on the days I struggle with only 2! Thank you also to My Blankee for the gorgeous lavendar blanket--which is little girl's fav color! As you can see from the action shot, toddler-girl couldn't stop kissing and hugging it. You made my little girl's day!

Thanks all for voting for us by clicking to the right above this post. We’re now #3 in the humor category!

Posted by Laura


Kat said...

I totally had the ginormous barbie head when I was little!! Must be coming back from the 80s along with cabbage patch, pound puppies, TMNT, and rainbow bright!!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

I never had the barbie head, but I know I wanted it! Now, I think it is silly, how times change. My little girl will probably want it someday also, and I will be in your place!!

Melodramommy said...

kat, Yes, gotta love Rainbow bright, but I don't love the cabbage patch--even though I was a fan as a child. Cindy, I'm sure you're little girl will love it and isn't it sweet that we can give to our children what we always wanted.

Kate Pantier @ Mommy Monologues said...

I buy him toys & he's more interested in playing with my measuring cups, pots & pans, etc. I don't know why I even spend the $$ on baby toys!

Heather said...

So cute! I love the look on her face and I am thrilled you won just due to this picture alone!

Oh, and Charlotte received that Barbie head as a gift one year. The funny thing is that where we kept in her toy area, it always ended up in the background of photos in our old house. It was hysterical. So just watch out that when you take a nice family picture, that a creepy Barbie head isn't peering out from behind your shoulder! lol...