Some moments are so sweet you want to savor it forever.

Other moments are so frustrating you want to crawl onto the couch and just take a nap or take a bubble bath and be alone.

Yet, in spite of all the eye-tearing, germ-fearing, sweat-dripping, heart-skipping, bottom-wiping, finger-swiping, crumb-picking, toy-tripping, hand-holding, laundry-folding, character-molding, head-turning, stomach churning, patience-testing, non-empty-nesting, mistake-making, self-centered-breaking, life-giving moments—All of it together is what makes the job description so rewarding. It’s looking into your children’s eyes, feeling their soft skin against your cheeks and inhaling their sweet breath that makes you forget how hard it can be as you remember how much you love what you do.

The awesome, fearful, wonderful, terrible aspect of motherhood is that it's made up of moments and moments are fleeting, like water dripping off your hands--one moment it's here, the next it's gone.

Yet, moments like these have the power to wash away all the frustration. Moments like these lift the heart. Moments like these remind me of how precious motherhood is and how it took those moments of frustration to get here. Moments like these make one realize being a mom really is more of delight than a duty, a calling than a just career, and a ministry than just a mission. That's the journey of motherhood.

How do you define Mommyhood? What moments make you smile, laugh, or cry?
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Posted by Laura
i heard someone say once that with young children, the years go by quickly but the days go by slowly. how true! great pics!
Love the post! Thanks for sharing.
That is beautiful. Mommyhood is all those things to me too. I laugh when my kids sing and dance and say silly things. I cry when I see them playing together nicely or when they tell me that they love me.
So thankful to know you and your gorgeous family. I don't know of anyone who could have written a better job description than that! Love to you!
Just stopping by to say hi!! You need a button so I can add it to DWM :)
Oh, I love your pics. I was just thinking the other day that you have such a lovely family. I really like the one of your snuggling in the bed.
It's a special time, my mom always says how fast raising us went when she looks back on it. I try to remember that when my days seem to drag at times. Thanks for the reminder. :)
What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL, TOUCHING written tribute to motherhood!
You made me pause quite a few times, in the midst of reading, to ponder my own "mothering". A sign of powerful, potent writing. Have a long history with writing, so know what I'm talking about (to some degree anyways!)
The pic of you and your son is GORGEOUS!
Yes...it is awesome to be in touch!
Thanks so much for keeping up with my blog...you've already been an invaluable source of encouragement!
Looking forward to keeping up with you and your gaggle! :)
Thank you all for the kind words! And more importantly for what you do as moms!
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