Kate at mommymonologues gave me this award on her blog Thursday! Thank you Kate! Kate is evidence to me that you can make new awesome friends in the mommy blog world. Though also new to blogging, Kate has quickly grown her blog and is constantly inspiring me with new ideas. She also has a very fun sense of humor and the cutest little boy. I really enjoyed this post on blogging tips.

The rules of this award are:
1. copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. list who gave the award to you and use a link to her/his blog (or hyperlink).
3. list 10 things that make you happy.
4. pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.
Ten things that make Melodramommy happy: (in no particular order)
1.) Successfully transferring napping toddlers from the car seat to their beds! Watching them sleep makes my heart skip.
2.) Watching baby boy squeal hugging his "ning kee" (monkey) and then laugh while hugging me
2.) Hearing Toddler girl sing "Dancing queen" at the top of her lungs in her plastic microphone. That's my melodrababy in the works.
3.) Date nights alone with daddy and the many laughs in between
4.) Having my mom live close by. She's a HUGE help! And my best friend. And did I mention, she's my melodramommy role model! Second only to my Italian Grandmother.
5.) Watching my munchkins play "ring around the rosie" --this is a new one for us. Yaaaaay to sibling bff.
6.) The extremely RARE occasions I get to sleep in!
7.) Spending time with Jesus
8.) A big cup of Starbucks coffee while writing.
9.) This picture
10.) Capturing and defeating Mr. Poopie. Come on now, my hands are being trained for battle.
And how exciting that I get to pass this award on to some special friends:
1.)Dana at dancing guitar girl Dana has been a longtime friend of mine who's friendship has always inspired me in the creative arts: both in dancing and writing. Thanks Dana for encouraging me to start blogging!
2.)Diana at hormonal imbalances Diana has an awesome eco-friendly blog and has been a kind friend who's helped me out tons as I've started blogging. She has a cute baby girl and a great sense of humor.
3.) Lily at a lil story Now this is a blog to visit to be inspired with faith: check out her "spiritual sunday" posts. What an awesome Mommy! She doesn't really know I follow her, but I think she's amazing! And her posts have ministered to me : ) Check out this post!
4.) Tiffany at Tiffys tea room Tiffany is a long time friend of mine a mommy of three toddlers! What an inspirational mother of three. Rooted in her Christian faith, her blog gives a positive outlook on the blessings of children and the journey of motherhood. I love her story about taking three kids grocery shopping and saving with coupons!
5.) Amy at Roars and Rambles Amy is friend of mine who I've lost touch with in recent years. But back in the day we used to go to coffee shops and write with our laptops and dream about being published. Amy is now an accomplished freelance writer with two published books and her blog is hysterical. She's now getting back into blogging. I can't wait to read more of her posts!
6.) Anne at Deal wise Mommy Anne doesn't know I follow her, but her blog is amazing. This is the place to go if you want to save a good penny and get the latest on coupons and bargains. Now that's a blog to be happy about.
7.) Cindy at Aguilar family adventures Cindy is a sweet mommy friend who leaves the nicest comments on my blog. Yay to encouraging friends. Her blog is cute and explores her reflections as a new mommy and lots more.
Okay, so before you go check out these cool bloggers, please share, what makes you happy?
Posted by Laura
You are too sweet. :) Thank you so much. I'll post about it either Sat or Sun and link back to you!!
Thanks so much for my award!! I love to hear readers say they love my blog. I do it to help others save money along with me :)
YAY!!! I LOVE awards!!!
Thank you! You are awesome!! Voting and I will be posting the award tonight! You made my day, thank you for your nice words :)! BTW--Mr. Poopie makes me laugh!!
Awwww, thanks so much!! That is so sweet! It really means a lot and I am so glad you have gotten something from my Spiritual Sunday posts =)
I love all your "happy" things... watching my boys sleep and hearing them sing are too of my favorite things too =)
Can't wait to read more of your blog!
I love not having a sick baby-I'm so ready for him to be well so that I can "hang out" with all my bloggy friends again!!!
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